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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jordan's son can't wear Nike's

  Jordan's younger son Marcus Jordan told the media that he would not, take the court in adidas shoes because of family pride. He would only wear  Nike’s Air Jordans, named after his father.

He told the press that would honor the University of Central Florida’s contract with adidas by wearing all the apparel with adidas logos on it.(except the shoes) Soon after the comments were made, UCF athletic director told AOL’s Fanhouse that Marcus could make the decision for himself since there had been a previous precedent set with a UCF football player who wore a different brand of shoe due to the fit.

But adidas says no compromise has been reached with the school yet. (Can you say breach of contract lol)
This could potentially be very costly to the university. What do you think? Should this much trouble be made over a freshman? Is he that good or is it just his name?

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