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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Boost Your metabolism

Here Is a full day's worth of metabolism boosters. They may have a relatively minor effects alone, but when put together, they will help your body burn fat more efficiently. Try adding some of these tips to help you get the results you want fast.

1. Try getting a little sun in. A little outdoor time in the morning can go a long way. For one bright light helps regulate your body clock, so you'll be more energetic during the day and sleep better at night. Secondly, during the winter months, sunshine helps ward off seasonal affective disorder otherwise known as SAD, a condition that can lead to uncontrolled food cravings. Sunlight on your skin also increases your levels of vitamin D, which has been associated with a higher metabolism and a lower risk of obesity. You can also get more vitamin D by taking multivitamins, drinking fortified milk, and eating fatty fish.

2. Always try and eat a good breakfast. A filling breakfast that includes both lean protein and complex carbohydrates will helps you burn fat all day and keep you satisfied longer. I’ve learned that when I eat a good breakfast I don’t have the urge to snack on junk all day

3. Keep drinking that coffee or tea. Plain old java will give you a little boost in your metabolism and regular consumption of green or oolong tea can raise your metabolism by as much as 5 percent. Don't overdo it on whatever you drink, and keep the additives to a minimum—the calories in cream and sugar, or a Starbucks latte, can far outweigh any fat-burning benefits.

4. Try and get a daily workout in. At least 15-20mins a day will do more than anything else to burn fat and build lean muscle. Make a conscious effort to move your body when you're not working out. You can take little steps such as walking everywhere you can and using stairs rather than elevators.

5. Snack on nuts. All nuts are full of nutrients, especially protein and healthy fats. Just an ounce at a time will go a long way toward boosting your metabolism and keeping you satisfied.

6. Eat foods that are higher in fiber and protein and lower in starch, you can eat more of them and still lose weight so you will stay full longer.

7. Take time to do nothing. Stress can take a toll on your metabolism. At some point during the day, take a break for just sitting in a peaceful place and thinking about something pleasant.

8. Watch your eating at night. Most people activity level slows down at night, and so does your metabolism. And yet we seem to eat giant dinners or snack in front of the stupid box at night. This is a good time to concentrate on healthy dietary habits.

9. Cut back on the booze. While you're body is processing alcohol, you're not burning fat. Alcoholic beverages also have calories, virtually none of which are good for anything other than helping you gain weight.

10. Get your 8 hours. Your body is hard at work producing hormones responsible for weight loss, muscle gain, and glucose metabolism while you sleep. Consistently getting less than 8 or so hours of sleep per night can lead to a lower metabolism and a higher body mass. If you find yourself getting sleepy during the day, going to bed just an hour earlier could make a significant difference in your waistline.

Beachbody's also has supplements that can help in your goal of getting that lean body like ActiVit® Metabolism Formula and Slimming Formula!. Both contain metabolism-firing green tea extract, along with other ingredients that can keep your metabolism going strong. Click on any of the links to try them out.

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