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Monday, January 30, 2012

DC Car Show 2012

Since my girlfriend really wasn't interested in going to the car show with me I went with my boy @TheJbyrdman. He use to be a car salesman so he has a fairly good knowledge of cars. I was expecting to see alot of prototype/futuristic cars but that wasn't the case. There where only maybe one or two. Luckily Bumble Bee was there and @TheJbyrdman so the day wasn't a total bust.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Energy & Endurance

Need energy? Workout harder and longer with E&E!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hmm Guantanamo Bay Prisoners In DC

Just another normal day at the park in the nations capital. I told my preschool class they where just playing dress up lol.